There are certain days in our lives that we never forget. It could be our wedding or graduation day, a terrorist attack or the first man on the moon. We often talk about where we were or how we felt, or who told us the news.
But in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ, few days could be as memorable as the day of our baptism. We may not recall the exact date, but we sure never forget the baptismal or our confession of faith before a host of witnesses.
I recently had the pleasure of baptizing one of my disciples, Solon. On the same day he baptized a friend of his, Carlos. Two other ladies, Jessele and Juliana were baptized. These four individuals represent the fruit of our three cell groups. We couldn’t be more blessed to share in the lives of precious individuals like these. We share in their joy on their baptism day!
And they’ll never forget this day, the day they were baptized along with over 900 others in a swimming pool in Santarem, Para, Brazil. And the great testimony of faith they demonstrated in front of thousands!
Baptism is really faith in action. Could there be any more powerful symbolism than to put to death the flesh and rise in newness of life?
But in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ, few days could be as memorable as the day of our baptism. We may not recall the exact date, but we sure never forget the baptismal or our confession of faith before a host of witnesses.
I recently had the pleasure of baptizing one of my disciples, Solon. On the same day he baptized a friend of his, Carlos. Two other ladies, Jessele and Juliana were baptized. These four individuals represent the fruit of our three cell groups. We couldn’t be more blessed to share in the lives of precious individuals like these. We share in their joy on their baptism day!
And they’ll never forget this day, the day they were baptized along with over 900 others in a swimming pool in Santarem, Para, Brazil. And the great testimony of faith they demonstrated in front of thousands!
Baptism is really faith in action. Could there be any more powerful symbolism than to put to death the flesh and rise in newness of life?
Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. (Rom 6:3-4, ESV)
We consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus! Instruments of righteousness, not under the law, but grace! (Rom 6:12, 14, ESV)
Thank you God, for the bountiful harvest of souls in the Amazon Basin of Brazil. You truly are worthy of all praise, honor, and glory!
Thank you God, for the bountiful harvest of souls in the Amazon Basin of Brazil. You truly are worthy of all praise, honor, and glory!